Dan Hynes Bedford State Representative Serving Hillsborough District 2
I am proud to again be serving as State Representative. I will continue fighting to defend the constitution, protect our civil liberties, and remain fiscally conservative. While I was elected as a Republican, I have switched to Undeclared as I do not feel Republicans at the State Level reflect my values. Unfortunately, a majority of Republicans voted with Democrats for a budget that increased spending by roughly 20%. Further, I will not be part of an agenda that does not value a person's constitutionally protected gender expression.
As an attorney, I spent my career defending the Constitution and fighting for civil liberties, including a victory for gun rights with the N.H. Supreme Court.

As State Rep., I work tirelessly to:
Reduce taxes and burdensome regulations;
Protect pets by strengthening animal cruelty laws;
Defend your constitutional rights.

Contact: Dan.Hynes@leg.state.nh.us; (603) 583-4442. Paid for by Dan Hynes.